Triathlon and Multisport Coaching

Have fun and find enjoyment in the process of pursing your goals

I’ve been a professional triathlete since 2018 living and training in Boulder, CO. Prior to moving to Colorado I coached collegiate cross country and track for 5.5 years at Illinois Wesleyan University while I obtained my masters degree in Biomechanics from Illinois State University. 

I first fell in love with endurance sports while I was running cross country and track at DePauw University and pursuing my degree in exercise science. I loved learning about the physiology of the human body and the differences that exist from athlete to athlete. There’s no ‘one plan fits all’ program and I am a firm believer that there is an art and a science to coaching. The art is balancing busy schedules, life stresses, while also maintaining a level of fun and satisfaction. The science is applying physiological principals and tracking data (heart rate, power, etc) to create an appropriate program that yields steady improvement over time.

Getting back into coaching, specifically triathlon, in the Spring of 2022 has re-ignited my love for learning, helping others, and building relationships! If you want to chat more about what working together might look like, shoot me a message on my contact page and let’s connect!

Thanks for stopping by :)!


Hi, I’m Lisa!

  • Step 1: The Call

    We’ll set up an intro call to talk about what you hope to accomplish and see if we are a good athlete/coach match.

  • Step 2: The Plan

    We’ll use Training Peaks to prepare your training schedule, keep track of your progress, and communicate.

  • Step 3: The Follow Through

    I’ll be with you every step of the way as we work together to find balance, joy, and success in training and racing!

What’s your investment?

$250 per month

What do you get?

  • To best help you reach your goals you’ll be able to reach out at any time through call, text, email or TrainingPeaks comments. Communication is key, so let’s keep the conversation always flowing!

  • Every athlete is different, therefore every training plan I create is different and unique to that athlete!

    All of your training and coaching analysis will be done through TrainingPeaks.

    A free TP membership is all you need, but you can upgrade if you ever have the desire.

“Working with Lisa has been exactly what I needed in my training! Her level of communication and commitment to her athletes is matched by none. She has provided extremely valuable insight to my training that I would not have received anywhere else. I confident, because of the training she has provided me, that I will reach my racing goals!”

-Jon, coached athlete